So...... it turns out that 'pulled button' upholstery is really really expensive as I found out through a quote i gained a few weeks back from an upholsterer!
So rather than sit and cry into my bare, uncovered, scratchy foam sofa bed.... i thought I'd see if i could give it a go myself!
I first watched a very handy YouTube video of an extremely accomplished american woman who seems to have a lot of time on her hands, i then bought all the necessary items (skipping out the unnecessary ones like a 'yard stick' and a 'thimble'!) and got to work. The pieces i've completed so far took me about a day, the button bit is the most time consuming, especially as I decided to make all the buttons myself (I truly am stingee!)
So, here are the 'Blue Peter' style pictures. Hope you like it....... I still need to complete the largest piece; Decided to have a bit of a breather to save my poor fingers from having yet more skin gouged out of them from the double ended needle (seems i did need that ruddy thimble after all!)
First one done! All the other much larger ones to go!
Stay tuned!